“I used to”

I want to confess you about one of the negative sides, I had. I used to be a womanizer. I have already won this evil. That’s why I suppose, that everybody, in the long run, must do similarly.

I understood the following: I have been a womanizer since my birth. Since that time I ran from one skirt to another. And running, I forgot why I lived in this life, I forgot what was my dream and what was my destination. Then I entangled and therefore lost the right direction in life. Now, I understand that the choice I made, was the only right decision. So I found my love and my life changed…

Mainly, I became more serious. When I was a womanizer my character was light-headed. This quality was never valued by bosses. Therefore, when I used to it my career has become developing quicker, and I’ve become to earn more money. As you know there is an interdependence between money and abilities, which expressed: “more money - more abilities”. In the total, when I gave up the macho’s style of life, I get more money, and more abilities, which I can move into the needed direction. Second important benefit is understanding, what I want from my life. When I was a womenaizer, as I refered, I had entangled and I didn’t known where I had been going to. But when I was used to it, I understood what I want. Without understanding the main purpose of life, nobody has ever done something valuable through the ages.

So, my advice is, as soon as you can, find your loving husband or wife, and live the full life, now. Don’t ran, as I did, from one skirt to another . This is simple and stupid way. I’ve made difficult, but right disicion, and advise you this way. Give it up now. Don’t lose your chance!